隐居集团以“隐居西湖”系列高端度假酒店为起点,现已拥有“隐居”、“乡宿”、“小隐”、“雅活馆”、“悦隐堂”、“食隐”、“隐居度假”等多个子品牌 旨在发展成为国内综合性高端新锐文化文旅文创集团。
Founded in June 2011, Zhejiang Seclusion Group Co., Ltd headquartered in Hangzhou, Chinese cultured “poetic paradise on earth” near famous West Lake.
The Group kickstarts its journey with upscale “Seclusion West Lake” series, and expanded its market with brands of Seclusion Life, Seclusion Genealand, Seclusion, YueYinTang,Seclusion Catering and Seclusion Vacation. It was deterimined to become domestic market leader in cultural and lifestyle hospitality.
Seclusion – Hotel is solid, Lifestyle is air and Creation is fluid. Seclusion Group is the pioneer of hospitality brand that promotes, innovates and enlighten lifestyle in culture and unique ideas with continoues rollout of boutique hotels and unparrel service.
Seclusion is not just a hotel from its birth. We tirelessly explore ideal form of Culture creation, Lifestyle and Living and creatively blend that core of business into our daily operation.
We would like to create Seclusion Life in parrelle of the real world. A world that is full of warmth, serenity, beauty, happiness and freedom.
And we will provide the societal pioneers of modern concept, proactivity and rich spirits with a place and time for relaxation, enhancement and effective social Contact.
We will build and popularize an enhanced lifestyle and social philosophy only for “seclusion” and create an environment balanced with mind and matter.
Hotel Plus样板房品鉴暨上海国际酒店投资及加盟连锁展是依托对大住宿行业产业链的贯通深挖,为酒店管理集团、各省市旅游局、地产开发商、投资业主、垂直媒体等提供 “行业交流、把握趋势、资源对接”的平台与枢纽,趋向 “投资方与管理方、项目与设计师、产品与渠道”三大目标。选择您心目中最想投资的酒店及商业项目,零距离体验样板房,考察最新行业品牌,获得最有价值的行业资讯,为酒店投资商提供最前沿酒店投资&运营方案。 2020年4月27-29日举行,预计将有3000家供应商和15万专业观众参加,展会总面积将达到21万平米。
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邮箱: Spancer.Tian@imsinoexpo.com