
广州爱翼酒店设计投资发展有限公司, 是中国第一家专注打造家庭亲子酒店的设计公司,亲子房打造标准的缔造者。2016年~2018年爱翼携手顶级意大利设计团队在中国打造近1000间高端亲子房,为亲子酒店行业树立标杆,并收获市场认可,给酒店带来丰厚的回报。

爱翼设计的不是一间客房而是一段美好的旅程。让家庭亲子客群在我们的设计与服务中得到超预期的体验,给酒店带来高口碑和高忠诚 。同时爱翼首创打造亲子房“1+1+7”模式:1个IP主题灵魂+1个“所见即所购”的核心战略+7大亲子房打造标准。以“1+1+7”模式为指引,贯穿赢利规划、IP打造、设计展现和装饰施工四大板块为酒店打造场景、打造体验、打造消费,让酒店拥有独一无二的辨识度与差异化竞争优势。通过我们的系统规划与整体服务,最终让酒店获得:成本投入最优、施工时间最短、装饰效果最佳、投资回报最丰厚、售后保障最坚实、口碑传播最有力!我们的使命就是帮助我们的客户成为行业内最能赚钱的亲子酒店!

Guangzhou Iyee Hotel Design Investment & Development Co. Ltd, the first design company who focus on creating family hotel as well as the founder of family room creating standards. Iyee has built nearly 1000 high-end family rooms in China with top Italian design team from 2016 to 2018 , establishing a benchmark of family hotel as well as gaining market recognition, bringing huge returns to the hotel.

Design of Iyee is not only a room but a wonderful journey , which let customers have an unexpected experience with our design and services , bringing high reputation and loyalty to the hotel. At the same time, Iyee first build family room creating mode of “1+1+7” : 1 IP theme soul , 1 core strategy of “what you see is what you buy” and 7 family room building standards. Guiding by “1+1+7” mode , combining with profit plan , IP building , design shows , and decorative construction. Four blocks that help hotel to build scene , experience and comsuption . In this case the hotel will have unique identification and different competitive advantages. With our system plan and integrated service, the hotel will finally own : the optimal invest cost, the shortest construction time, best decorative effects, the most rewarding investment , the strongest customer service , the most powerful word of mouth ! Our mission is to help our client become the most profitable one in family hotel industry.


由中国旅游饭店业协会、中国百货商业协会及上海博华国际展览有限公司联合主办的上海国际酒店投资及加盟连锁博览会在过去10年,系列活动集结了超过70个酒店品牌样板房500位演讲嘉宾,数千家国内外极具代表性的酒店产业链企业。现场以 “实景样板房”+“高峰论坛”形式,为酒店管理集团、各省市旅游局、地产开发商、投资业主、垂直媒体等提供 “行业交流、把握趋势、资源对接”的平台与枢纽,趋向 “投资方与管理方、项目与设计师、产品与渠道”三大目标,系列展共计21万平米,成为全国规模最大的酒店投资及加盟连锁盛会。选择您心目中最想投资的酒店及商业项目,零距离体验样板房,考察最新行业品牌,获得最有价值的行业资讯,为酒店投资商提供最前沿酒店投资&运营方案。


电话:021-3339 2461
邮箱: Spancer.Tian@imsinoexpo.com

